Wednesday, July 23, 2014

50 Facts about me

The 25 facts about me tag is widley used upon youtubers ( So I figured I could do it in blog form! The only differance is they do 50 facts about me... I couldn't think of that many things, so I just did 25!

  1.  I hate bugs! Any and all bugs- the only bug I am okay with is ants (not fire ants, just the plain ol' ants!)
  2.  I LOVE youtube videos, that is one of my loves is watching youtube videos (Mainly daily vlogs, and    beauty videos)
  3.  My favorite subject in school is Math- Which is also my worst subject
  4.  My favorite color is aqua
  5. I have been friends with my best friend Kaylee for 14 Years!
  6. I have 2 fears, the dark, and having surgery or being sick.
  7. I love almost every single show on TLC.
  8. My favorite store is Target
  9. I love Vera Bradley
  10. I am in love with the bible verse Jeremiah 29:11
  11. My favorite NFL team is the Washington Redskins
  12. My favorite food is Steak and Shrimp!
  13. I love 2 restaurants- Outback and El Charro
  14. My favorite fast food place is Chipotle.
  15. My favorite coffee is the Cotton Candy Frappachino from Starbucks
  16. I have 2 hobbys- Shopping and Photography.
  17. My favorite talk show is Ellen and Dr.Phil 
  18. I love mint chocolate chip ice cream
  19. I will not eat vanilla chocolate chip mint (it has to be the mint color, I don't know why)
  20. The Fault in Our Stars is my favorite movie of all time
  21. I fell in love with my photography logo the minute I saw it.
  22. I have always loved photography for a while, I didn't really persue it. I always took my moms camera when we went places and had it... I have some pictures that I took in Disney World when I was 8! I will do a serperate blog post about that later this week or next month.
  23. I have 2 dogs named Gracie and Lady Bug
  24. Lady Bug was not originally my sisters, but when she moved out my mom talked my sister into leaving her here to stay with us
  25. I love reading magazines, I could read them all the time!

I hope you like these blog posts! I have been trying to blog every night!


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