Thursday, August 21, 2014

3 Things to do when you are sick

As I am laying in bed thinking about what to do while I am sick, I can think about 3 things right off the top of my head. Some of them are just duhh ideas. If you would like to 3 ideas to do when you are sick then keep reading!

Sleep- this is one of the duhh ones, I know it is common sense to sleep when you are sick but some people think that they can just "Work it off" This may be the case with some people. For other people they have to sleep the sickness off.

Drink lots of fluids!- I know for me at least I usually can not eat much when I am sick. So that means that you are going to become dehydrated, so if you drink water, sprite, coke, or any kind of drink that will keep you from becoming dehydrated and more sick!

Read-  Okay, so the secret is out. I don't really like reading, but what else are you supposed to do when you are sick? You can watch T.V. or even better read a book. Now don't get me wrong, I watch more TV than I read when I am sick, but I think that reading a chapter or two in the book that you are reading can help you get your mind off being sick!

If you can think of any other things to do when you are sick, feel free to let me know in the comments below! I would love to know more of what to do when you are sick!
Thank you all for reading! I will be uploading every day until Wednesday, also I was nominated for the "ALS Ice Bucket Challenge" I will be doing it, but I am waiting until I feel better to do it.


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